Fantasy Life Wiki

Please use this page to discuss pages that have been labelled for deletion.

Wizard and Magician pages are clones -> Delete one? 09:49, October 1, 2014 (UTC)


Cherrybell and Cherry Nectar appear to refer to the same item.  Delete one?  StarCr (talk) 20:04, January 3, 2015 (UTC)

They are not the same items. Cherry Nectar is a possible drop from picking up Cherrybell flowers.Yami riku (talk) 20:19, January 3, 2015 (UTC)

Ah!  Thanks for the clarification.  I withdraw the request for deletion, then.  StarCr (talk) 20:22, January 3, 2015 (UTC)

Immortal Carroty and Immortal Carrotty[]

In the US version Immortal Carrotty is the correct spelling, however there is a page, Sagely Carrotella, which uses the European version name and it the one that should stay.  It includes a reference to the Immortal Carrotty US version name.PoeTree (talk) 04:56, January 19, 2015 (UTC)
